The Lord sets forth the roles and responsibilities in Deuteronomy. The concept of having checks and balances for positions of power is biblical and imperative for healthy leadership.
Read MoreWhat should we do when someone wrongly judges us and attacks our character? Should we be defensive, or follow Christ’s example?
Read MorePeace is related to the internal order of our lives and not to the external disorder of the world. Peace on earth is what we want, but peace with God is something we already have.
Read MoreHow do we go from where we are to a goal that seems impossible? We go through one intentional step at a time! Here are 7 tips for achieving impossible goals.
Read MoreHave you ever been deeply hurt by someone? Felt your trust violated? Been betrayed? Humanly speaking we can’t perfectly forget what has happened to us. But we can take the hurt and use it for the good of others.
Read MoreIt's critical to teach your children the reality of the spiritual world and equip them to defeat Satan's attempts to seduce them with his lies. In doing so, you are paving a way for them to walk freely into adulthood as a confident child of God.
Read MoreThe Christmas season is known for gift giving. Let’s be reminded of 5 gifts Christ has given to us as well as what the Bible has to say about the meaning of gifts and what we should do with them.
Read MoreOur country seems to be in constant opposition these days. So how does having access to God make a difference to how we approach the problems our country currently facing? Let’s take a look and see—because God is not of a divided mind.
Read MoreWhen we choose to believe what God says is true, the Holy Spirit renews our minds and we begin to understand and see more clearly.
Read MoreHave you ever been deeply hurt by someone? Felt your trust violated? Been betrayed? Humanly speaking we can’t perfectly forget what has happened to us. But we can take the hurt and use it for the good of others.
Read MoreGod doesn't lead through anxiety. We are to cast our anxiety upon Jesus, because He cares for us.
Read MoreThe wise person knows the will of God; the successful person does it. If you are trying to discern God’s will and make wise decisions, consider the following questions.
Read MoreA stronghold buster is a daily prayer practice that creates an intentional choosing and declaration of what God says is true. Anxious thoughts are to be expected during the current global health crisis. But we are told to take our thoughts captive and break down the mental habits that contribute to, or perpetuate, anxiety.
Read MorePeace is related to the internal order of our lives and not to the external disorder of the world. Peace on earth is what we want, but peace with God is something we already have.
Read MoreThe Christmas season is known for gift giving. Let’s be reminded of 5 gifts Christ has given to us as well as what the Bible has to say about the meaning of gifts and what we should do with them.
Read MoreReconciliation occurs when repentance and forgiveness removes the enmity that exists between two parties. We cannot assume responsibility for the lives of others, but we must assume responsibility for our own attitudes and actions.
Read MoreWhen we are reconciled to God, we become brothers and sisters in Christ, and that is the basis for our unity. We must personally choose to be reconciled to God by faith, but it is universally inclusive, and we must voluntarily receive reconciliation as a gift to voluntarily share it as a ministry.
Read MoreIt is the unique work of the Holy Spirit to shed light on the finished work of Christ. “The Spirit” is to be contrasted with “deceiving spirits.” There is only one Holy Spirit, but there are many deceiving spirits who are demons or evil spirits.
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