Do Not Be Deceived
Thine, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty.
1 Chronicles 29:11
During a conference, I noticed a lady who wouldn't sing with the rest of the group and seemed quite agitated. She slipped me a note after a morning session: "Please don't leave town without helping me. I have been diagnosed as having multiple personalities and a dissociative disorder."
During our time together the Lord revealed that when she was seven years old a terrifying dark presence appeared in her room. It told her it would kill her unless she granted its request to share her body. The presence didn't leave until the day we met together. Later she wrote:
I started hearing voices and having imaginary friends when I was seven years old. Bulimia began at age 10, promiscuity at age 12. I spent 10 years in a cult. When I came out of the cult, I sought deliverance at the suggestion of a Catholic priest. But I beat up the priest and left bruised myself. It frightened me so badly I never did anything about it again.
I am now of a sound mind; the voices are gone. I feel clean and fresh inside for the first time I can remember. I don't live in a tiny corner of my mind or outside my body. I live inside now with my Lord.
I wish that this woman's experience of childhood seduction was an exception. But I have counseled hundreds of adults who can trace their problems back to childhood. That's why it's critical that you teach your children the reality of the spiritual world and equip them to defeat Satan's attempts to seduce them with his lies.
Let’s Pray: Dear Father, help me teach my children that resisting an evil presence in their room is as important as avoiding strangers on the street.