Any crisis in the home can make or break you. You can choose to grow through the crisis and become a better person than you were before. Romans 5:3, 4, encourages, "We also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope."
Read MoreJesus took the plunge into the abyss of abandonment, and because Jesus was abandoned, we will never have to suffer alone. He will never leave or forsake us.
Read MoreHow does a Christian establish a true sense of worth? Unlike this world, the ground before the cross is level. We all have the same standing in Christ. We find our sense of worth in our new identity and in our growth in character.
Read MoreBy the grace of God we can stand before His throne with our relationship restored.
Read MoreOur role is not passive in receiving God’s protection. God requires us to be active participants in the spiritual defense that He has provided for us.
Read MoreThe Lord sets forth the roles and responsibilities in Deuteronomy. The concept of having checks and balances for positions of power is biblical and imperative for healthy leadership.
Read MoreWhat should we do when someone wrongly judges us and attacks our character? Should we be defensive, or follow Christ’s example?
Read MorePeace is related to the internal order of our lives and not to the external disorder of the world. Peace on earth is what we want, but peace with God is something we already have.
Read MoreIf God has accepted you, can’t you accept yourself?
Read MoreHope is the present assurance of some future good. David battled depression and wrote about it in Psalms. Through his writing we can see three scriptural ways to overcome depression.
Read MoreGod requires us to be merciful as He has been merciful to us, and to forgive as He has forgiven us. The following are steps to forgiving from our hearts.
Read MoreWe cannot make others what we want them to be, and they cannot keep us from being the person God created us to be. What we have freely received from God, we freely extend to others.
Read MoreWe glorify God by making ourselves known as Spirit-filled believers who give thanks to God always and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Read MoreThe old self was crucified with Christ, but as believers we have to do our part in putting off the old self and putting on the new self, which means we must practice what God has already made us to be.
Read MoreKnowing your identity in Christ is will change the way you live—because you cannot consistently live in a way that is inconsistent with what you believe.
Read MoreWe are not supposed to recognize Christians for who they were before Christ, but for who they now are in Christ. That is why the Bible does not identify believers as sinners, but instead they are identified as saints.
Read MoreThanks to the incredible redemptive work of Christ in your life, your old self has been replaced by a new self, governed by a new nature—one that was not there before. This new life characterizes you; not your past!
Read MoreBut by virtue of the crucifixion of the old self, sin's power over you is broken. You are no longer under any obligation to serve sin, to obey sin, or to respond to sin.
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