By the grace of God we can stand before His throne with our relationship restored.
Read MoreOur role is not passive in receiving God’s protection. God requires us to be active participants in the spiritual defense that He has provided for us.
Read MoreAs you navigate this Christmas season, there are a lot of things that can cause a level of anxiety, fear or dread. I urge you listen to the good news once more. It will provide peace and move you to action.
Read MoreChristmas morning is a time to remember the arrival of Jesus Christ. His birth as a baby—and later death and resurrection—opened up the way for us to experience the security and protection that come with being born of God.
Read MoreIf God has accepted you, can’t you accept yourself?
Read MoreIt’s very easy to get down on ourselves—especially when you fail or make a mistake. It’s easy to believe that God did not design us the way we should’ve been, or He made a mistake. But God knew exactly what He was doing when He created you.
Read MoreKnowing your identity in Christ is will change the way you live—because you cannot consistently live in a way that is inconsistent with what you believe.
Read MoreFor some of us, we take courage and strength knowing that we are God’s beloved. For others of us, it seems impossible, too good to be true, and we assume it must be for someone else. Let’s try to think about why we might react in either way.
Read MoreWhen we believe in Christ and His grace toward us, we are adopted by God and can therefore call Him Father!
Read MoreKnowing who we are in Christ is the foundation for living free in Christ.
Read MoreBut by virtue of the crucifixion of the old self, sin's power over you is broken. You are no longer under any obligation to serve sin, to obey sin, or to respond to sin.
Read MoreGod has made us a completely new creation. We have been forgiven. We have been set free.
Read MoreYou can know theology and be arrogant, but you cannot know God and be arrogant! Knowledge makes arrogance, but love edifies.
Read MoreDo you know what it feels like to be truly welcome somewhere? Continue reading to see how God welcomes you into His family.
Read MoreChristian leaders are not supposed to rely on their position as the basis for their leadership. Good, Christian leadership is not position based; it is character based.
Read MoreWe are all gifted by the Holy Spirit. We can discover, develop, and deploy our spiritual gift(s) with courage, in power, love, and self-control to accomplish good in our churches and the world. How is God "fanning the flame" in you?
Read MoreWe live in two realities: the Psalm 91 reality and 1 Peter reality. Sometimes, we are protected from fiery trials; other times, we are protected through them.
Read MoreMany of us remain anxious that the promise of being justified is too good to be true. As a result, we allow feelings of shame, fear, and condemnation to continually hold us back or keep us stuck. But through Christ, you are really are FREE!
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