How to Do the Impossible


A few years ago, I was badly out of shape, not having exercised for years.

But, I accomplished a physical goal that I would have once told you was impossible for me.

How do we go from where we are to a goal that seems impossible?  We go through one intentional step at a time…

How are you goals for 2023 going? Financial goals? Physical or health goals? Mental goals? Relational goals? Spiritual goals? Here are some helpful thoughts on how to keep achieving the impossible this year!


Admit Your Problems.  We must start by owning up to our issues.  Maybe we’ve made bad decisions. Maybe they were careless, small, unintentional missteps or maybe we made decisions that were colossally dumb. Regardless of how we got to where we are we need to take responsibility for our situation and reevaluate how we can avoid similar failures in the future and head in the right direction now.

“for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” —1 Timothy 4:8


Prioritize the Spiritual.  When thinking and praying about your goals, always prioritize spiritual goals. That might look like reading through the whole Bible or just the New Testament this calendar year. It could be connecting and committing to a church family. Maybe it is prioritizing your giving to God or increasing your service to Him or to the people around you. Possibly it could be going on a mission trip or entering into foster care or adoption. When considering your goals, prioritize the spiritual.


Focus Your Goals.  Trying to do too much will quickly become overwhelming, confusing, or discouraging.  Instead prioritize, pick, and focus on a couple of goals. Make them measurable with a plan on how to achieve them and make possible tomorrow what may seem impossible today.

“But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.”— 1 Corinthians 9:27


Discipline Yourself. Your goal will take lots of work and commitment, but it is worth it. Your example of discipline will likely inspire and encourage others. Don’t be showy or self-focused in your pursuit of a goal, but instead honor Jesus and His name through your commitment and effort.


Find a Friend.  Create accountability. Find someone who will both challenge and encourage you. Maybe that friend is a spouse or family member? A neighbor, coworker, or fellow student? They may have similar goals but finding a friend to run towards that particular goal with you or to cheer for you along the way will make a world of difference.


Keep Moving Forward.  You may not achieve the goal you are aiming for. It may take longer and involve more sacrifice and work than you expect. Don’t quit. Keep pressing forward.


Don’t Fail to Try.  Failure isn’t found in not making it to the finish line.  Failure is found in not taking the first step. What impossible goal do you want to set this year? Will you set that goal? Will you take that first step?