Overcoming Shame
Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs.
Proverbs 10:12
Christians are forgiven but not perfect. Jesus paid the penalty for our sins and assumed responsibility for their eternal consequences. As a result, the Lord will not condemn us and will remember our sins no more. However, we have to live with the temporal consequences of our attitudes and actions. If God had eradicated all the temporal consequences of sin, there would be no motivation to stop sinning. We would party on weekends, confess our sins on Sunday, and falsely believe that our actions have no negative consequences.
Suppose you have been consuming alcohol for years and have become chemically addicted. At first you were able to cover up your indiscretions, but now your sinful lifestyle has been exposed. Your job performance is substandard, you have embarrassed yourself publicly, your spouse has left and your health is deteriorating. Finally, you throw yourself upon God’s mercy. He forgives you and makes you a new creation in Christ. However, alcohol has taken its toll on your body. Your job is over, your spouse is gone, and you find that society is less forgiving than God. Still, you are able to find a successful recovery ministry that helps the fallen seek God’s forgiveness, ask the forgiveness of others, repair what they can, and build a new life in Christ. The grace of God eventually overcomes your shame.
This was the case for Micah, who spoke to the sinful conditions of Israel and Judah. He looked forward to God’s redemption—the coming of the Savior (see Micah 7:7), even though he lived under the Mosaic Law. At the time, the Israelites’ enemy was gloating over these “chosen people” who had sinned and incurred the judgment of God. Their enemy was taunting them, asking, “Where is the Lord your God?” (verse 10). Micah responds, “Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light” (verse 8). The shame the Israelites felt because of their sin caused them to hide and cover up, but the Lord always leads His people into the light. When they faced the truth and turned to God, their enemy was covered with shame, and its downfall was certain (see verse 10).
Many cultures of this world are shame-based. They punish sinners by shaming them publicly. They make the point that something is wrong with them. Other cultures are guilt-based. They punish sinners because they have done something wrong. The kingdom of God is grace-based. There was something wrong with us, but now we are new creations in Christ. We sinned and fell short of the glory of God, but Christ died for our sins. Now we can live righteous lives as children of God. We are what we are by the grace of God. We can still choose to sin, and our loving heavenly Father will discipline us, but that just proves that we are His children (see Hebrews 12:8).
As children of God, we are not motivated by guilt and shame. Piling on guilt and shame is detrimental to our mental health and doesn’t promote righteous living. We are motivated by the love of God. We don’t condemn others when they sin; we discipline them for their good. The Christian ministry is one of reconciliation, not condemnation. We don’t shame one another; we build up one another.
a few questions to ponder:
What would happen to Christians and our culture if people never had to suffer temporal consequences for their sinful or irresponsible choices?
How can Christians overcome a sense of guilt and shame?
How is the kingdom of God grace-based instead of shame-based or guilt-based? What should be our motivations as new creations in Christ?
How have you allowed the shame of your past to keep you from moving forward in God’s will? What steps will you take to change this pattern?
How has God disciplined you for sinful behavior? Did you seen His discipline as proof of His love for you as His child? Explain.