Why should you feel like a failure?

Does God judge or condemn us when we sin or make a mistake—when we feel like failures? While God does discipline us and allow us to suffer the natural consequences of our sin, He does not penalize us for our sin. Remember: there is a clear difference between punishment and discipline: one leads to death; the other leads to life.

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Why should you be unhappy?

Amid disappointment and discontentment over the last year and half, it’s easy to settle into unhappiness. However, when our eyes our on Christ He will be our joy. The point is not to deny the negative emotions we feel. Instead, we acknowledge them and bring them before the Lord, asking Him to use our feelings to reveal what is going on in our heart.

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Daily DevotionDan StudtComment
Why should you feel cursed? (Part 2)

Have you ever been frustrated but couldn’t quite identify the source? @e are complex beings with physical, mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual components, and our struggle is not simply against flesh and blood. But true spiritual protection is ours in Christ as we submit to God and resist the devil.

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Daily DevotionDan StudtComment