Fear of man is the primary reason why we often fail to share our faith. It is an irrational fear, because it is not based in truth. The truth is we are called to be witnesses, and those who are lost need to know the truth that will save them.
Read MoreHave you ever wondered what the difference is between Christian counseling and discipleship? Dr. Anderson has experience with both, and his insights into each have a common denominator: good theology. Let’s dive in!
Read MoreDoes God judge or condemn us when we sin or make a mistake—when we feel like failures? While God does discipline us and allow us to suffer the natural consequences of our sin, He does not penalize us for our sin. Remember: there is a clear difference between punishment and discipline: one leads to death; the other leads to life.
Read MoreIt's not the idea that you merely "believe" that counts; it's what or who you believe in that counts. Everybody believes in something, and everybody walks by faith according to what he or she believes. But if what you believe isn't true, then how you live won't be right.
Read MoreEven though God may do radically different things in and through our lives than what we would plan, He is always accomplishing His purpose. Nothing is wasted; nothing in vain. Whatever is unclear or uncertain in your life, go to God with it.
Read MoreApart from God, humans are no match for the power of sin and consequently come under its bondage. We have the choice of living according to the flesh or living according to the Spirit.
Read MoreDo you ever feel insecure or helpless? We must remember that God is for us—even in our difficult situations, whether they be mental, physical, or spiritual. When you rely on Him, the Holy Spirit provides wisdom and power to accomplish His purposes for your life.
Read MoreDo you feel like you have to accomplish something by working hard in order to establish your worth? No matter what your work is or how it looks on the outside, you have been given worth and a significant responsibility to fulfill.
Read MoreAmid disappointment and discontentment over the last year and half, it’s easy to settle into unhappiness. However, when our eyes our on Christ He will be our joy. The point is not to deny the negative emotions we feel. Instead, we acknowledge them and bring them before the Lord, asking Him to use our feelings to reveal what is going on in our heart.
Read MoreMental illness is real, just like a physical illness. Let’s take a look at tough questions surrounding mental illness and depression from a Christian perspective.
Read MoreLet’s challenge our understanding of depression’s seriousness and seek the Lord more desperately and intentionally for lasting solutions. Even if we have not suffered from depression, may we be faithful to reach out compassionately to those who suffer daily from its effects.
Read MoreWhen the Bible talks about being a “son of God,” it’s not a gender thing. It’s a position and title. As we look at the story of the prodigal son, we see how God views us as His children—waiting to lavish us with the life, freedom, and abundance that comes from being His own.
Read MoreWe can trust in Jesus because of the witness of other believers and the fact that Jesus’ nature never changes.
Read MoreHave you ever been frustrated but couldn’t quite identify the source? @e are complex beings with physical, mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual components, and our struggle is not simply against flesh and blood. But true spiritual protection is ours in Christ as we submit to God and resist the devil.
Read MoreAlthough we may not always feel like it or act like it, Scripture clearly teaches that we have a new identity. We have been grafted into Christ, and He will prune away our old nature that doesn’t bear fruit.
Read MoreTake a moment and think about your own life. Have you slipped back into thinking it’s up to you to keep God’s favor? If you find yourself trying hard to measure up, take a step back and consider the following: In Christ, you are complete.
Read MoreWitnesses have something important to say. They have a responsibility to truthfully share what they have experienced. Being a witness can be both challenging and a blessing—and for us, Jesus has called us to be His witness.
Read MoreThere is a huge difference between physically being alone and feeling lonely. While there are countless reasons we might feel alone, the most helpful way of combatting that feeling is to pay attention to our thoughts and take them captive to Christ.
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