When you’re considering the job you have and the way you work, know this: it matters. God has a lot to say about this topic as the workplace is one of the primary ways we show the gospel.
Read MoreMore people have their palms and tea leaves read or pay attention to astrological write-ups rather than read the Bible. The only One who can perfectly know the future is the One who has the necessary attributes to bring it about.
Read MoreThe Bible is our roadmap for life and instructs us how to treat our physical bodies. Our bodies are not our own, and Scripture has much to say in regard to how use them and fuel them.
Read MoreHaving been conformed to this world, the conscience can be programmed wrongly. However, the Holy Spirit does work through our consciences as He seeks to renew our minds.
Read MoreHave you ever been deeply hurt by someone? Felt your trust violated? Been betrayed? Humanly speaking we can’t perfectly forget what has happened to us. But we can take the hurt and use it for the good of others.
Read MoreAre you mentally healthy? Sometimes there can be confusing mind games going on inside your head that do not accurately portray reality. Take a moment to analyze your mental health through the lens of giving every thought to Christ.
Read MoreThis is the great work of the Holy Spirit: to glorify the work of Jesus and communicate God’s presence to us.
Read MoreAngels execute God’s will in heaven and on earth as mediators of God’s love and goodwill toward humankind. Their mission is always benevolent, which can be summarized in the following five ways.
Read MoreGod’s Word has much to say about how our lives our lived in our old age. Psalm 71 provides a blueprint for how we should approach our aging with our eyes on Jesus and an attitude of joy.
Read MoreWhat should we allow to be our guide—our conscience, duty, circumstances? Set your course by the light of God’s Word and not by the light of every passing ship.
Read MoreThere has been enough pain; choose forgiveness. It's the most Christlike thing we can do.
Read MoreGod doesn't lead through anxiety. We are to cast our anxiety upon Jesus, because He cares for us.
Read MoreGod can only guide a moving ship. A rudder doesn’t work if the ship isn’t moving, and a ship without power is helpless at sea.
Read MoreThe wise person knows the will of God; the successful person does it. If you are trying to discern God’s will and make wise decisions, consider the following questions.
Read MoreA stronghold buster is a daily prayer practice that creates an intentional choosing and declaration of what God says is true. Anxious thoughts are to be expected during the current global health crisis. But we are told to take our thoughts captive and break down the mental habits that contribute to, or perpetuate, anxiety.
Read MoreHate is real, but Jesus’ love is greater. Easter is coming. Eternity is coming. May we be ready to meet our Lord and Creator!
Read MoreChrist is the only perfect sacrifice that atones for all our past, present and future sins.
Read MoreWhat Adam and Eve lost in the Fall was life, and what Jesus came to give us was life. New life in Christ—eternal and spiritual life—is given to us the moment we are born again.
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