The moment you are tempted to get your needs met in the world instead of in Christ, you are at the threshold of a temptation. And Satan knows just which buttons to push to tempt you away from dependency on Christ.
Read MoreThere’s a lot to celebrate this time of year—namely graduations and Memorial Day! Here are 5 truths about gifts from God for us to hold tight to during such seasons!
Read MoreIn this world we are going to face negative circumstances and inevitable losses. Suffering is part of our sanctification. But persevering through trials will lead to joy in the Lord.
Read MoreEver have a day that just starts our rough? Or a day that gets tougher and tougher, frustrating you without fail? Here are a few reminders from God to prepare us for what is ahead today, tomorrow, and into the future.
Read MoreLet’s look at a powerful prayer of one man and ask God develop in us the perseverance and faithfulness to pursue His goal for our lives even in the face of rejection.
Read MoreHelplessness is a primary symptom of depression, and often it is learned. But helplessness can be overcome when we turn to the Lord!
Read MoreChrist has invited you to cast your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you. This means that you have to humble yourself by surrendering your ways and submitting to His ways. The following steps will help you overcome anxiety.
Read MoreHave you ever felt like nothing can go right in your life? Like everything is just working against you? Like you were cursed, doomed, or without hope? Sometimes our intuition is more accurate than we realize…
Read MoreHuman wisdom, strength and riches cannot comprehend, accomplish or buy the peace that comes from being rightly related to God. Peace comes when we live in harmony with the God-created rhythms of life.
Read MoreTo overcome anxiety, we need to acquire a singleness of vision and purpose. The question is whether we are going to live our way or God’s way.
Read MoreWorrying doesn’t accomplish anything and won’t prevent something from happening. The mind that is focused on Christ is anxious-free.
Read MoreLearning to look past the behavior of others and hear their heart’s cry for significance, acceptance, security, and love is the work of grace and the Holy Spirit. Are we, as adults, really listening to the heart’s cry of the young generations?
Read MoreSatan can render us virtually inoperative if he can deceive us into believing his lies, accusing us of being of little value to God or others. The good news is that we don't have to listen to Satan's accusations! Satan is not your judge; he is merely your accuser.
Read MoreGod’s protection from demonic attack is not something you can take for granted. This protection is conditional on your willingness to respond to God’s provision.
Read MoreTo love others well, we need the Holy Spirit to give us clear, discerning sight. Ask God to open your eyes and help you see the next generation as He sees them.
Read MoreThis Easter, let us say with John, “Look, the lamb of God who takes away the sin of world!”
Read MoreThe greatest avenue for productive change is to clarify the purpose of any existing ministry or group. Asking "Why?" can force groups to evaluate their purpose and ministry—allowing for necessary changes to take place.
Read MoreAll the stuff and status you can acquire don't add up to personal wholeness. The only identity equation that works in God's kingdom is you plus Christ equals wholeness and meaning.
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