Identifying Spiritual Gifts
We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.
Romans 12:6
In 1 Peter 4:7-9, Peter advises us to be clear minded, self-controlled and committed to loving one another as the return of the Lord becomes more imminent. Love covers a multitude of sins, but love is not blind. Godly Christians see the faults and limitations of others and accept them for who they are in Christ. They will not only love their friends but will also offer hospitality, which literally means the love of strangers. They will use their gifts to serve others.
Gift (charisma) stems from God’s grace (charis). His grace is manifested to others as we use the gift that God has bestowed on us to serve one another with the strength that God provides. In 1 Peter 4:10-11, Peter divides the gifts into two groups: speaking and service. “If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ” (verse 11). In Romans 12:4-8, Paul gives us a more complete list. These gifts motivate us to serve the Body of Christ in the following ways.
First, through the gift of prophecy. The word “prophecy” literally means “to speak forth” the mind and counsel of God. It can mean to foretell (predict future events) or forthtell (speak God’s truth boldly to people). The primary emphasis is on the proclamation of God’s Word. People with this gift are motivated to help others live righteous lives without judging them.
Second, we through the gift of serving. This gift enables people to help others. People with this gift are motivated to respond to the needs of others in a practical way.
Third, through the gift of encouragement or exhortation. People with this gift encourage others to live out their faith according to God’s Word. They are motivated to communicate God’s Word in such a way that people listen and want to respond.
Fourth, through the gift of teaching. People with this gift are concerned about the authority of Scripture and doctrinal accuracy. They are motivated to rightly divide the word of truth and correct doctrinal error.
Fifth, through the gift of giving. People with this gift contribute to the financial needs of others and to the mission of the Church. They are motivated to be good stewards of the financial resources necessary to complete the mission of the Church.
Sixth, through the gift of leadership or administration. People with this gift provide the leadership and organizational structure necessary for effective ministry. They are motivated to organize the efforts of the Church for maximum efficiency.
Seventh, through the gift of mercy. This gift causes those who have it to feel deeply the spiritual and emotional needs of others. They are motivated to relieve pain and suffering and to provide comfort through prayer and personal assistance.
Every one of the above motivational gifts is needed in the Body of Christ. The different emphasis of each gift provides for a balanced ministry. We serve the Body of Christ best through our own giftedness. However, regardless of how we are gifted, we all need to speak the truth in love; be good stewards of our time, talent and treasure; and love and serve one another.
a few questions to consider:
How does the way in which we use our gifts manifest God’s grace to others?
Why is it important that we know there is a diversity of gifts that causes people to be motivated differently? What is the danger of emphasizing one or two gifts at the expense of others, or failing to recognize and appreciate the contribution of those motivated differently?
How can we maintain unity among believers with such a diversity of gifts?
How do you think God has equipped you to serve others?
If you are not sure how you are gifted, what should you be pursuing? Are you content to allow your giftedness to become evident as you mature? Explain.