Hearing God's Voice
He is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.
Psalm 95:7–8
Often, quiet times with God aren’t quiet. Our thoughts are distracted and even riddled with temptations directed at our vulnerabilities. We’re hearing from everybody but God—or at least is seems that way. Maybe God is allowing that to get our attention, but in reality we are hearing from Him.
Nothing is more important than our relationship with God. He wants to remove the barriers that are keeping us from having an intimate relationship with Him. Rather than see an unresolved issue as a distraction, make it the subject of your prayer, which should lead to confession, repentance, and a new direction for life. Don’t be deceived and think, I can’t talk to God about that. He already knows about it, so why not be honest with Him? It just may set you free!
This devotional is an excerpt from The Bondage Breaker Devotional by Neil T. Anderson.