Have you ever considered what righteousness achieves? What it really accomplishes? Jesus said that if we hunger and thirst for righteousness, we will be filled (Matthew 5:16). The word filled means satisfied. But satisfied with what?
Read MoreTo surrender a place from which our enemy can work in our lives to oppress us is giving him the grounds to control a specific aspect of our lives. This place is surrendered ground because it rightfully belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ, our Redeemer.
Read MoreLearning to listen to God is crucial for a close relationship with Him.
Read MoreFirst John 2:12-14 describes three levels of Christian growth in relation to sin. Is it your daily goal to grow to maturity in your faith? Have you overcome the evil one?
Read MoreAs Timothy warned, "deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons" are real. But as you daily embrace Christ and His truth, you will be able to recognize Satan's lies and choose the truth.
Read MoreWhat was it about David that made him a man after God’s own heart? I invite you to consider David’s example today. How might the Lord be inviting you to grow in a lifestyle of repentance?
Read MoreBefore you pack your bags and hit the road, take a look at seven perspectives all about travel; it truly is a gift from God to experience new cultures and soak in God’s creation. Let’s dive in!
Read MoreAre you aware of the spiritual battle going on around you? Do you ask God for His resources to fight the challenges of your life every day? Don’t only consider the visible, physical resources at your disposal. It is the Lord’s strength and resources we need to walk in freedom and victory every day.
Read MoreSatisfaction comes from living righteously and seeking to raise the level of quality in relationships, service and products. To raise the level of satisfaction, you have to focus on raising the quality.
Read MoreWe must depend on God, because He is the One who grants repentance.
Read MoreHumility is a necessary component of leadership because sometimes, we just don’t get it quite right.
Read MoreGod is present in every ministry, and defining who is responsible for what will determine how successful we are.
Read MoreThe power of sin is most evident when we seriously challenge it. If you aren’t encountering any opposition, you aren’t growing.
Read MorePerfect love is perfected in us over time as we continue to seek and understand God’s love and as we continue to peel away the layers of unhealthy practices embedded in us.
Read MoreEvery believer has the spiritual authority to do God’s will and carry on the ministry of Christ; we do this through prayer. Praying with authority is not expressing our will to God but discerning God’s will and claiming the answer with confidence.
Read MoreThe Bible says many things about emotional health. As we look at Psalm 55, consider your current emotional health and seek to align your emotions with God’s Word.
Read MoreThe world is changing at an alarming rate. But when God continues to lead us, we must learn how to adapt our ministry to a changing culture.
Read MoreWe are all called to be in ministry in one way or another. It is our responsibility to follow where God leads us, and the Bible serves as a great roadmap for us.
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