Preparation is a crucial component of success in any endeavor. As we move toward Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, how are you preparing? What things are you doing to connect with Jesus in a more profound and meaningful way this Easter?
Read MoreIf you claim to be just a sinner, what will you do? Sin! You are professing that sin is at the core of your identity. That's not what the Bible teaches. Let’s believe God that Jesus is at the core of our being and begin to live by His Spirit!
Read MoreWhat is forgotten in time is of little significance; what is remembered for eternity is of great significance. And there are no insignificant children of God.
Read MoreThe natural tendency during times of darkness is to do things your own way, not God’s way. When the temptation to create your own light is overwhelming, hold on to the truth that this too will pass. We learn to rely on God during the hard times.
Read MoreFulfillment is related to your calling in life. God has a place of ministry for you, and it is important to your sense of fulfillment to realize what that is.
Read MoreWalking in God’s ways requires not only confession but also repentance and a turning from our old sinful ways. If we truly repent, we experience a change of mind and attitude and no longer live the way we did before.
Read MoreConfession brings healing to the soul. James writes, “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed”. It reunites people, leads to a breakthrough in community, and enables them to have fellowship with God and one another.
Read MoreAt first the battle for your mind may feel intense. But as you continue walking by faith, the narrow path gets broader and broader. The mental assault gets less and less intense as you draw closer to Christ.
Read MoreIf the strongholds in your mind are the result of conditioning, then you can be reconditioned by the renewing of your mind. Through the preaching of God's Word, Bible study and personal discipleship, you stop being conformed to this world and experience transformation.
Read MoreMost Christian parents would do the right thing if they were sure what the right thing was. So, what do good parents do?
Read MoreWe are stewards of God—meaning we have been entrusted with the use of our lives and all that we possess for God’s Kingdom. And someday we will give an account for how well we have managed the estate.
Read MoreThe wisdom of the world looks at the cross of Christ as foolishness—which is a product of the Fall. As Christians, we live in this world but are not of this world, and under God’s sovereign rule we are supposed to tend it.
Read MoreCrucifying the flesh is a crisis of the will. We can choose to live by either the flesh or the Spirit. So the moment you are tempted, turn to God and whisper a little prayer!
Read MoreThe cross we are to pick up on a daily basis is not our own cross but Christ's cross. When we pick up the cross, we affirm that our identity is not based in our physical existence but in our relationship with God.
Read MoreWe are in a winnable war against the defeated kingdom of darkness. But the lies of Satan can gain a measure of control if we believe them.
Read MoreWhat is important is not how much ability or opportunity you have but how faithful you are to use what you have been entrusted.
Read MoreChristmas is supposed to be a season of joy, right? So what do you do when life is heavy and all you can feel is despair and weariness? Let’s look to Jesus. There is hope.
Read MoreSpiritual warfare is better understood as a truth encounter rather than a power encounter. All the darkness of the world cannot withstand the light of Jesus.
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