Truth Dispels Darkness
We are from God; he who knows God listens to us; he who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.
1 John 4:6
People who know they are having spiritual problems usually have severe perceptual problems too. Satan seems to be more present, real and powerful to them. These types of people usually hear opposing arguments in their head. They are constantly confronted with lies, told to get out of the counseling setting, or threatened with harm or embarrassment.
One dear lady I was ministering to suddenly bolted for the door. "Tell me what you're hearing," I said.
"You're going to hurt me," she answered fearfully.
"That's a lie," I assured her. Slowly she returned to her chair.
Some people experience internal interference when demonic powers are confronted by the truth. They may become dizzy or glassy-eyed. If you proceed without regard for their reaction, they may lapse into catatonia.
The goal in helping people find freedom in Christ is to avoid all demonic activity which would short-circuit their ability to participate in the process. With this in mind, I usually begin the time of ministry with prayer, acknowledging God's presence, claiming His authority, and binding the enemy to silence.
I require one major point of cooperation from all those who want help: They must tell me what inner opposition they are experiencing. If they have a thought that is contrary to what we are doing, they are to share it with me. Some thoughts can be very hostile or threatening. Others will be very deceptive, such as "This isn't going to work." The power of Satan is in his lie. The moment the counselees bring the contrary thought to light, the power of it is broken. The power for the Christian is in the truth. That is why it is truth that sets us free.
Let’s pray: Lord, I desire to be a committed student of Your Word. I know the truth of Your Word dispels the darkness in my life. Thank You for this powerful weapon.