Tips for Dating: #1-4


Dating Tip #1:
Don’t put your life on hold when you start a new relationship.

A lot of times people get a new date or start a new relationship, and they’re excited—so they put everything else to the side as the new person moves to the top of the list. Mark 12:30 is very clear that we must put God first with our whole mind, heart, and strength. And second is to love others, and others is not just the person you are dating. So don’t put your life on hold; don’t put your friends to the side, your responsibilities to the side, your other relationships to the side just to prioritize a new person. Keep a good balance, and don’t change your life too radically when you jump into dating.

Dating Tip #2:
Use your brain.

Keep a good balance with your mind. Jeremiah 17:9 is very clear that our heart can be deceitful. And romantic love is often exciting and thrilling; there are so many possibilities. But it can also be deceiving; it can put on the blinders. So use your brain! It’s always a good time to look back on past relationships before you start a new one. If you’re in a new relationship, perhaps hit “pause” to look analyze and assess where you’re at so you can decide upon how to do better. So keep your brain engaged; be careful as feelings, especially in romantic love, can be deceptive along the way. So don’t put the blinders on! And be very careful with physical intimacy as that can really blind you as well.

Dating Tip #3:
Only date a Christian.

If you’re a Christian, only date other Christians. The whole purpose of dating or courtship or whatever approach you put to analyzing, evaluating, or initiating a relationship is geared toward marriage. God is very clear at the end of 1 Corinthians 7 that when you marry someone as a Christian, the big qualification is that they are a true, genuine believer. And 2 Corinthians 6 is clear that we are not to be unequally yoked or paired together—because what you have first and foremost in common is your spiritual union in Christ. So when you’re dating somebody, if you’re not seeing evidence in them of being genuinely saved or genuinely in love with Christ, you need to steer aside from that. Make sure the one you date loves Jesus.

Dating Tip #4:
Take it slow.

Too often people rush into things with dating, and it’s really good to take it easy. If the whole point of dating is intentional, purposeful, consideration of marriage—think about how long you’re hoping to be married for: 30, 40, 50, 60 years?—then taking your time from the first date to marriage is a wise thing. In the big picture, that kind of intentionality pays off. So don’t rush it! Don’t rush into things physically; don’t rush into things spiritually—don’t be praying right away with somebody. Take those first steps in a relationship slowly; be really intentional to set up boundaries so you can be accountable. All in all, just take it slow!