Purposeful Leadership


I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.
John 17:20-21

If you know how to accomplish a certain task you will likely have a job, but you will work for the one who knows why the task is necessary. Why we are here and why are we doing what we are doing are the two most basic questions in life. As Christians, we should have a sense of purpose in life and a reason for doing what we are doing. Our purpose is to glorify God by manifesting His presence in this world and do all to the glory of God. We are to know Him and make Him known by fulfilling the Great Commission. All this is to be done in keeping with the Great Commandment: to love God with all our being and love one another in the same way God has loved us. Do that well, and you will fulfill your purpose. 

In the Old Testament, the descendants of Noah decided that they were going to build a tower that reached to heaven. The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them” (Genesis 11:6). What did God observe about these people that led Him to make such a statement? These people had the three out of four key ingredients that are essential for the success of any ministry. 

First, the people had a common objective. A well-defined purpose or mission statement keeps people moving in the same direction. Second, they had unity. They were one people. Leadership is the ability to unite the church to accomplish a mutually shared objective. When that objective is accomplished, all the members feel satisfied with their contribution. Third, they had an effective communication system. They were one people speaking the same language. Little will be accomplished if the members of a church cannot walk in the light and speak the truth in love with one another. 

Let’s take a closer look at the importance of communication. Fulfilling our purpose in our homes and churches requires us to keep the lines of communication open. Building consensus requires good communication skills. People need to be heard, not just told. It is hard to get a commitment from people to do our will, but it is easy to get a commitment from others to do their will. People are already committed to do what they think is right. If they are heard and sense that they have contributed to the plan, they will get behind the leaders and support them. All God had to do to disrupt the peoples’ plans to build the tower was destroy their communication system (see Genesis 11:7-9). When they couldn’t speak to each other, they scattered.

The fourth ingredient is the desire to do God’s will. The Tower of Babel was never completed because the people never consulted God. It was their idea to build a tower and make a name for themselves. So let’s learn from their mistake. Let’s first collectively discern the will of God to determine a common objective and then establish an effective communication system and unity among the people. Once we have taken these four steps, there is nothing we purpose to do that will be impossible for us. 

Questions to Consider:

  • In Genesis 11:1-9, why did God decide to confuse the people’s language?

  • What three traits did the people possess that are essential for success in ministry?

  • What kind of a leader does it take to unite people around a common objective? 

  • Do you find it easier to do a task yourself or work together with others toward a common objective? Why?

  • Have you ever seen a good work suffer for lack of communication? How can you strengthen communication in your own life?