

Humans have the unique capability to not only think abstractly – they can also think about what they are thinking about! This sets us apart from all of physical creation.  It is one of the most powerful aspects of being human.

In Freedom in Christ, we muse on this important concept pretty often and for good reason.

Freedom in Christ uses a concept called Stronghold Busting to enact the command Paul gives us in Romans 12:2: “Do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind....”  The basic concept is to use meditation to deeply impress the truth into our minds.  As it turns out, this method has a very long tradition; at least 4000 years.  Joshua was called to meditate on the book of the law.

“This Book of the Law shall not depart for your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (Joshua 1:8). 

Notice the fruit of this meditation: “make your way prosperous” and “have good success.” Meditation is extremely powerful. The same idea is picked up in the Psalms. 

Psalm 1 and Psalm 2 are intimately tied together, and they lay out the meaning and emphasis of the whole Psalter.  In doing so, they clarify the two (and only two) possible paths upon which all humanity will walk.  In the center of this discussion is the word “meditate.”  The same Hebrew word occurs in both Psalm 1:3 and Psalm 2:1, although in Psalm 2:1 it is often translated “plot.” So, meditation sets the course, the path, and is the fruit for all of life and all of eternity (Psalm 1:3&6).  Life’s fruit is planted and grown out of the mediations of our hearts.  Derek Kidner says it this way, “...whatever really shapes a man’s thinking shapes his life (D. Kidner Psalms p. 64).”  

But let’s go back to Psalm 1. Psalm 1:1 introduces a person on a path.  It is a path of sorrow instead of blessing. “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers (Psalm 1:1 ESV).

The path starts with evil suggestions, called ungodly counsel.  It then progresses to evil actions called the way of sinners.  And finally, it moves into a settled worldview with an evil basis, which we can call the scoffer or cynic.  As seen in Psalm 1, the cynic’s foundation is weak, and his/her ideas are easily blown away as chaff from grain (Psalm 1:4).  Why?  Because the ideas are not based on a foundation of truth, and therefore they don’t match reality.  When the truth appears in the form of God’s judgement, or just in reality itself, the cynic is found wanting and perishes.

The folly of this path is played out in detail in Psalm 2 (I’d invite you to read it!). What is evident in Psalm 2 is that the cynic is pitied because he/she really doesn’t understand the larger non-physical reality.  The cynic is wildly mistaken about his/her power and importance in contrast to God’s.  All of this starts in the realm of ideas and is followed by meditation on ideas resulting in a faulty view of reality.  God is much bigger and more powerful than the cynic can imagine.  And God really is in charge.  But since God is invisible, the cynic assumes God is not real.  How deep is the deception!

By contrast, the blessed (happy) are those who embrace God’s teaching and instructions (the law).  They live a sustained, healthy life which draws deeply on God’s revealed truth.  They live lives that help others via the fruit they bear.  They are unshakable even in distressing times.  Their lives are known by God Himself.  And they find happiness in their ability to take refuge in God’s protection, for they can run to God for a refuge as needed (Ps 2:12b).

In Psalm 19 David says meditation on God’s truth will revive the soul, make the simple wise, make the heart rejoice, and enlighten the eyes.  He concludes by saying those who meditate on God’s word will please God because the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts will be God’s own words.  That is why they will be acceptable in God’s sight.

Again, one of the most powerful aspects of our humanity is the ability to choose what we think about.  That’s the story given to us in Psalm 1 and 2.  That’s why Freedom in Christ promotes meditation (what is called a stronghold busting*) as a means of mind and life transformation.

 *Stronghold Busting is a simple method of changing your thinking by embracing truth. For more information: