Commitment to Overcome Depression
I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them.
John 17:13
A psychosomatic illness is one caused by a mental state, and more people are sick for that reason than any other. At the heart of psychosomatic illness is the soul, and that can be restored. “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16). In other words, there is hope if you turn to God and assume your responsibility. How do you do this?
First, commit yourself to complete recovery. The key to any cure is commitment. Decide to believe that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (see Philippians 4:13), and then do it. You can’t look for somebody else to cure you, or blame someone else for your lack of follow through.
Second, commit yourself to pray first about everything. The old nature will seek every possible natural explanation and cure first. Jesus told us to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and “all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). The first thing believers should do about anything is pray.
Third, commit yourself to having an intimate relationship with your heavenly Father. This requires repentance and faith in God. You can resolve your personal and spiritual conflicts by going through the Steps to Freedom in Christ. To be mentally healthy, you must have a true understanding of who God is and be rightly related to Him.
Fourth, commit yourself as a child of God. Don’t think that doctors and hospitals take care of the body and the Church takes care of the soul. You need a wholistic answer or psychosomatic illnesses will never get treated. The second basic standard for mental health is to have a biblical understanding of who you are in Christ and to know what it means to be a child of God. You cannot consistently feel or behave in a way that is inconsistent with what you believe about yourself.
Fifth, commit your body to God. If the previous four steps do not cure your psychosomatic illness, then consult a medical doctor for a complete physical examination. There are many forms of biological depression that can be diagnosed and treated. Disorders of the endocrine system can produce symptoms of depression. These include the possibility of low blood sugar, malfunctioning pituitary gland, adrenal exhaustion and problems related to the female reproductive system. Work toward a proper balance of nutrition, exercise and diet. At this stage, medication may be necessary to cure the body.
Sixth, commit yourself to the renewing of your mind. Mental depression stems from a negative view of yourself, your circumstances and the future. These false perceptions can only be overcome as you are transformed by the renewing of your mind (see Romans 12:2) and by choosing to believe the truth (see Philippians 4:6-9).
Seventh, commit yourself to good behavior. Make realistic plans to be involved with your family and church members. Live a responsible life by following through on your commitments. Schedule meaningful activities and exercise.
Finally, commit yourself to overcome every loss whether real, imagined or threatened. Be aware that abstract losses such as reputation, social standing and friendships are harder to identify. You can choose to overcome every loss by deepening your walk with God, reaffirming who you really are in Christ, growing in character, and by developing a more Christian lifestyle.
questions to consider:
Why are so many people ill today because of lifestyle and psychosomatic reasons?
Why is commitment so essential to overcome psychosomatic illnesses?
Why is it critical for healing to have a proper understanding of who you are in Christ and have an intimate relationship with your heavenly Father?
What lifestyle changes do you need to make in order to live a healthy life?
Are you willing to assume your responsibility for your health and to take whatever steps it takes to be mentally and emotionally healthy? Why or why not?