An Example of True Love
When you date someone, what are your primary goals and purposes? Why give flowers? Write notes? Give gifts? Hold hands? Kiss? Act courteously? Show kindness? Speak encouraging words? Spend time together? The goal in dating is to show your date how much you care for them. To evidence love in such a way that they relate and connect to you, allowing you to get to know them and letting them get to know you.
John 3:16—For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
Jesus has evidenced Himself so abundantly for the goal and purpose of showing and sharing His love. The Bible is the most accurate book in human history, bar none. Don’t just take my word for it, do your homework ( There is so much evidence for Jesus’ love; seen in Jesus’ works, words & presence, the Holy Spirit, the disciples, the Creation, science, archaeology, secular history, early church history, the manuscript evidence & so much more. Why does God give us so much evidence of His love? So that we may be saved and enjoy Him forever.
John 5:34—I say these things so that you may be saved.
Are you engaged, married, or widowed? Do you have any love letters from your past? How would you feel to reread them? Love letters are a reminder of real seasons of love. The problem with human love is that someone can abandon, betray, or change their love of us. But God’s love is forever, perfect, and unchanging.
Have you enjoyed God’s love letter to you lately? The Bible is the story of God’s love, full of evidence and true stories of His amazing work and beautiful character. He loves us, not because of how great we are, but because of His own greatness.
Psalm 119:165—Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble.
Jesus died for you. He loves you. He wants you to enjoy Him now and forever in Heaven.