Impacting the Next Generation


The youth of today encounter many challenges while having many blessings that previous generations did not. My heart enjoys fond memories of my youth, but also hurts to remember the foolishness of my own youthful actions and attitudes. I am burdened for the young, that they learn God’s lessons through the Word and not through the painful circumstance of life. Here are some observations and truths from Psalm 71.

You Need Jesus.  This world is dark and hopeless in itself. Watch the news and be reminded. God is worthy of your time, attention, and trust.  Value Him more than anything and He will amaze you. You need His mercy, forgiveness, love, and presence.  Don’t ignore or postpone Jesus.

Psalm 71:5 “For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O LORD, from my youth.”

You Need Church.  Many Americans drop out of church around the age of 16 and either never regularly commit to a local church again, or at least until they are in their thirties. The Bible describes not being in church as Satan’s realm, dangerous to your soul and life (1 Corinthians 5:1-13). Just because many of your peers and friends bail out of church at this age, doesn't mean you need to. Church attendance and commitment will grow you and encourage you in many ways you need.  Life is hard and you need godly mentors and teachers to show you how amazing God is through their lives and their words.

Hebrews 10:25 “not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some”

You Need Holiness. This world will never satisfy you. The pleasures and passions will fade away and disappoint you, often leaving you with disastrous consequences. Don't be deceived by Satan’s lies and tricks.  Temptations are many and are powerful, but when you go after Jesus intentionally and fully, he will show you a way to escape sin and to grow in lasting joy.

2 Timothy 2:22 “So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.”

Listen to God.  This world is constantly trying to get your attention.  Start and finish your days in the Bible. Let God’s voice be so prominent in your life that the deceptive, misleading voices of the world fade away.

Psalm 71:17 “O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds.”

Talk to God.  God cares about you. He wants you to relate to Him through prayer. When you invest time talking to God throughout your day, He will change and grow you into the man or woman He created you to be. Let the Bible guide your conversations with God and watch His work in and through you.

Psalm 71:12 “O God, be not far from me; O my God, make haste to help me!”

Serve God.  You have purpose. You have gifts. You have energy. Don’t waste your life focused on yourself or on shallow pursuits. Pick up the pace and pursue Jesus and serve Him with reckless abandonment.  Your early years are some of the best years to serve Jesus, whether at home or in the most dangerous places of the world. Go tell about and show the world the greatness of Jesus!

Psalm 71:16 “With the mighty deeds of the Lord GOD I will come; I will remind them of your righteousness, yours alone.”