Do You Have an Addiction?


If you’re considering an addiction in your life—an area you may be personally convicted about or perhaps something someone else brought to your attention—here are 10 questions to evaluate whether or not something is an addiction or concern.

  1. What does the Bible say about it?

  2. Have you prayed honestly and sincerely about it?

  3. Internally, what is the Spirit saying—are you convicted, are you ashamed?

  4. If you ask someone you trust (a godly spouse, pastor, etc), what would they say to you about it?

  5. Is it legal or illegal? If it’s illegal… you already know the answer.

  6. Is this something that you hide from others?

  7. Would it affect your gospel witness if others knew about it?

  8. Is it helpful or harmful to others? Does it put other people at risk?

  9. Does it harm yourself? Is it a wise use of time and talents?

  10. Does it offend others or does it set a good example?

A lot of time when we think about addictions, our minds go immediately to drugs and alcohol, but addictions can be a spectrum of things from sexual addictions and substances to shopping or vanity or social media, sports, or even thrill-seeking. There are all kinds of areas to be addicted where you put an inordanite ammount of time, energy, focus, and thought. That’s how you can identify a possible addiction. Look at Romans 14 and consider not just your own opinion—but consider God’s truth and what He says about it. Remember to show grace to others. Evaluate yourself honestly, and put the needs of others in front of yourself. Even if you don’t feel addicted to something, it might be wise to steer away from it. So read Romans 14 when thinking about what God has to say about addictions.