Did Jesus Really Exist?


One good question a lot of people ask is: How do I know that Jesus really existed? How do I know that this is not a myth or a made-up story?

The answer is simple: Look for the evidence! There is so much evidence for Jesus. In fact there is more evidence for Jesus’ physical life and existence than just about any human being in history. Archeological evidence, scientific evidence, manuscript evidence, the documents of the Bible, and documents outside of the Bible—there really is no doubt, if you’re looking at the evidence, and being logical and reasonable, that Jesus Christ existed. This begs the questions of: Who was he? Who did he say he was? Is he truly who he said he was or isn’t he? This is the starting point for knowing if the Bible is true.

One of the most important to consider is not only, “Did Jesus exist?” but is He God’s son? Is he more than just a good man?

I love this quote from C.S. Lewis: “You must make your choice. Either this man was and is the Son of God or else he is a madman or something worse.”

You have to decide if you believe that Jesus is who he says he is or if he is some crazy lunatic. So many evidences, especially in his words from the accurate Bible: about his baptism and his “I Am” statements across the gospels; He is called Emmanuel, God with us; He tells us that seeing Him is the same as seeing the Father; He is the image of the invisible God. Over and over and over, Jesus leaves no room for questioning. He is not merely a man; He is God in the flesh.