Are You Being Called Into Ministry?


A call to ministry—and a call to be a Christian—is a call of going, a call to be sent. There’s good news in that; there is power in that! I love Acts 1:8 because it tells us that no matter where God sends you, He send you with the power of His spirit upon you. So don’t be afraid. God is with you wherever you go. You are sent with a mission and purpose for life. So set your mind on things above, not on doubts, fears, worries, and anxieties.

One of the struggles in ministry is our will versus God’s will. I love Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, “Not my will, but yours be done.” I think as you pray to God about your call to ministry and call within ministry is simply to say to God, “Here is my heart, but whatever is Your will, that is what I want to be done.” Ultimately you are just a messenger. It’s not about you, not about your name, not about your fame. It’s about His fame, His name, His message. So be faithful. You are an ambassador, a representative of Christ; so carry out His message with boldness and confidence.

Sometimes when answering God’s call to ministry or in life, we are quick to take the first steps, but then we doubt, fear, and stutter. We see the storm around us. Remember what Peter did? He stepped out of the boat. He took the right step and called out to Jesus, “Lord, if it’s you, call to me. Tell me to come on the water.” And Jesus does it; He tells Peter to come. Do you hear Jesus calling you to take those first steps?

After Peter took those first steps out of the boat, he took his eyes off of Jesus and focused on the storm, causing him to stumble. But the good news is this—despite if you have stumbled in ministry or stumbled out of God’s calling, look back to Him; cry out for help. Jesus reached, grabbed Peter, and helped him out even in Peter’s doubt and little faith. So if Jesus is calling you to step out of the boat, take that step, keep your eyes on Him, and keep walking.

6 Questions to Ask Before Going Into Ministry

Before going into ministry, it’s important to ask yourself some important questions to assess yourself.

  1. Are you reaching out for a title, position, or paycheck? Or are you voluntarily and eagerly reaching out to go into ministry?

  2. Are you qualified biblically to do the task? Reference Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3.

  3. Do you possess the gifts to do the work to fulfill the calling to which you have been called?

  4. Do others (specifically elders and mature members of the church) affirm that you qualify giftedly and morally for this calling of ministry?

  5. Is your life and doctrine sound and consistent?

  6. Will you live as an example to others within the ministry you are called to?