Take a Moment for a Daily Devotion
Christmas is a time of varying emotions—but usually full of a lot of hustle and bustle. There are many opportunities to seize as we finish this year, and here are a few priorities to consider for your Christmas season!
Peace is related to the internal order of our lives and not to the external disorder of the world. Peace on earth is what we want, but peace with God is something we already have.
Christmas morning is a time to remember the arrival of Jesus Christ. His birth as a baby—and later death and resurrection—opened up the way for us to experience the security and protection that come with being born of God.
If God has accepted you, can’t you accept yourself?
How can we know that God is God if we are in anxious turmoil? Let’s look at some practical, real-life solutions for keeping anxiety at bay so that we can know the God who is the Prince of Peace!
As you navigate this Christmas season, there are a lot of things that can cause a level of anxiety, fear or dread. I urge you listen to the good news once more. It will provide peace and move you to action.